Blog Misc Keep visitors on your website longer

Keep visitors on your website longer

by Sa'ed Hammad

Many webmasters are interested in bringing more traffic to their websites but are disregard in keeping the customers or visitors on their website longer time.

You may drive traffic so visitors can learn more about your business, your products, and services then you hope they take an action like making a purchase or contacting you.

You may be wondering why website visitors are not taking the desired action you want them to take, there are some huge opportunities to turn the tide when it comes to keeping visitors on your website and engaged.

Keeping the visitors on your website longer is also give website additional valuable on a search engine.

Below, we put together the top 5 tips to keep visitors on your website longer and taking an action.


Website design is important

Visitor’s first impressions are very important when it comes to web design.

Almost 95% of visitors take first impressions based on web design. There are multiple psychological elements to consider when it comes to web design, including:

Website Colors

Website Fonts

Brand Logo

Website Navigation

Website Images

Website Content

And more.

You can ask users for feedback about what web design elements are working and what aren’t. Pay attention to user’s comments and what they are giving you of opinions.


Website Content

The uninformative website content for users leads them to leave your website.

Irrelevant or uninformative content it also can affect your website in SEO. For example, when users visit your website from search engines and click back to the search results, search engines may consider the website content was irrelevant to their search and rank you accordingly in the future.

Users and search engine love what is called “fresh content”, new content can provide real value for your website.

Updated content can give your brand awareness and loyalty.

No one wants to read content from 2011.


Website loading speed

Visitors will not wait until your website load. The seconds in loading can make visitors decide to leave your website and go to another website which is often one of your competitor websites.

Not sure how your what your website load time?

Don’t worry, here Top 5 Online Tools to Test Website Speed

Also, you can read these Tips for Website LOAD FASTER.

1-second delay in a website load time results in a 7% reduction in conversion rate.


Website Navigation

Visitors are trying to find the information they want quickly. Do not expect a visitor to study how your website works to reach the information or understand its puzzle. Remove the confusing elements and create a navigational experience that’s helpful and clear.

Your website’s navigation or menu as a roadmap for your users, simple navigation as well as an intuitive user experience


More tips to keep visitors on your site even longer

These are the most important tips to keep visitors on your website longer and avoid pushing them to leave your website, but not all.

Here, we will give you more ways to keep visitors on your site even longer.

  • add Videos to your webpages, especially your homepage.
  • add internal links within content
  • add search bar to your website
  • don’t use too many ADS or POP-UPS
  • Add testimonials, certifications or awards

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